Do you hear me?
This video shows tamariki learning to move, develop, and express themselves physically. It starts with a child's voice and draws on the question – Do you hear me? When I move, I am rhythmic. Do you see how my body communicates my thoughts and feelings?
(The sound of children laughing and music)
(Tamariki moving their bodies and doing hand actions)
Child narrator: When I move, I am rhythmic. Do you see how my body communicates my thoughts and feelings? Do you hear me?
Adult narrator: When tamariki move through dance and drama, they use all their senses and physical abilities. They begin to learn to tell their own creative stories and the stories of their cultural heritage.
(Tamariki playing drums with a kaiako)
Adult narrator: In this video we look at ways kaiako support children's movement through dance and drama.
(Tamariki singing together)
Adult narrator: Children are born rhythmic, attuned to the heart beating, the breath moving, and the music of their whānau.
(Tamariki dancing)
Adult narrator: This rhythmic communication transcends the spoken word in a way that is inclusive of all. To tamariki, verbal language and movement are entwined.
(Kaiako speaking to camera)
Kaiako: Music with our toddlers is the chance to be joyful and expressive with their bodies and to figure out their own rhythm and move in ways they don't normally.
(Tamariki moving their bodies and doing actions with kaiako)
Adult narrator: Kaiako can intentionally prepare for informal opportunities to encourage children's rhythmic movements. For example, by having a repertoire of waiata, rhymes, finger plays, and music to initiate expressive movement during everyday routines.
Kaiako: Just bounce them on your knee and have those interactions while you are talking with them, like action songs as well. So encourage them like our clapping and moving them to the rhythm of the music as we sing.
(Kaiako speaking to camera)
Kaiako: They will sing along and teach the child how to sing, and then the children will sing along and do the actions with them.
(Tamariki doing hand actions with kaiako)
Kaiako: For some children it's the tempo of the song, the beat of the song, that really ignites the joy of the children to take part in dancing.
(Tamariki singing and doing actions with kaiako)
Adult narrator: Kaiako should also provide planned learning experiences, using a variety of intentional teaching strategies, to engage tamariki in physical self expression alongside others and link individual expression to the group experience.
(Kaiako talking to camera)
Kaiako: Kaiako re-enact pūrākau. We re-enact dramatic plays. That gets children's imaginative minds thinking and working around moving their bodies. That confidence from the drama has transferred into their dancing and the way they express themselves."
(Tamariki doing actions and singing together)
Kaiako: Kaiako also facilitate kapa haka, siva ma pese sessions. They are able to connect to their culture, to familiar songs that help build the connection between home and centre.
Adult narrator: Promoting the physical development of tamariki through dance and drama requires kaiako to intentionally engage in experiences that foster creative movement, collaborative learning, cultural traditions, and an environment for self expression.
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