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Assessing progress against learning outcomes

In this excerpt from a presentation, Professor Claire McLachlan draws attention to assessing progress in Te Whariki's 20 learning outcomes.

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    Transcript Transcript

    In the original version of Te Whāriki, it talked about that the assessment would mainly be minute by minute, and it would use primarily observation, and that although it did give advice that you would use other assessment methods, it was mainly for children with special needs. So there’s this kind of quite distinct focus, if you like, on mainly – you’ll do this just kind of on the run.

    This document doesn’t say that at all. This document says that assessment will be both in the moment (I think is the language that’s used, if memory serves me), and that it will also be planned, alright? And this isn’t just about children with special needs, that if you’re looking at children’s development against learning outcomes, you’re actually going to have to reorganise how you do assessment to make sure that you’re actually assessing children across those 20 learning outcomes.



This video is part of the Assessment downloadable workshop.