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Mana atua


The health and wellbeing of the child are protected and nurtured.

Ko tēnei te whakatipuranga o te tamaiti i roto i tōna oranga nui, i runga hoki i tōna mana motuhake, mana atuatanga.


Wellbeing | Children have a sense of wellbeing and resilience.

Mana atua | Children understand their own mana atuatanga – uniqueness and spiritual connectedness. 


Children experience an environment where:

  • their health is promoted
  • their emotional wellbeing is nurtured

  • they are kept safe from harm.

Learning outcomes

Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of:

  • keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves | te oranga nui
  • managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs | te whakahua whakaaro

  • keeping themselves and others safe from harm | te noho haumaru.

The resources in this section support kaiako in weaving this strand into their local curriculum.