Te kōrerorero
Talking together
Tōku reo, tōku ohooho, tōku reo, tōku māpihi maurea, tōku reo, tōku whakakai marihi.
My language is my awakening, my language is my treasure, my language is my prized possession.
What is Talking together, Te kōrerorero?
- Talking together, Te kōrerorero is a resource that promotes effective teaching practices so that kaiako and teaching teams can strengthen how they support the oral language across children's language pathways.
- Language is a taonga and nurturing this treasure is too important to be left to chance.
- This resource is for all children. In Te Whāriki (p. 25) oral language encompasses any method of communication the child uses as a first language. This includes New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) and for children who communicate using Communication Assistive Technology or Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) to replace or augment their speech. (TalkLink).
- This is an English language resource that also provides information about English language learning for children experiencing bilingual and multilingual pathways. It provides support for kaiako to integrate te reo Māori in early learning settings; recognising this is essential for a rich oral language environment.
Download the resource PDFs
Self-assessment tool – English (953KB) |
Watch a video
A series of short videos were made to to support you embedding Talking together, Te kōrerorero into practice in your service.
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Find brochures in multiple languages, posters, and videos to foster oral development in the home.
The foundation: Te Whāriki
Talking together, Te kōrerorero is underpinned by the principles, strands, and learning outcomes of Te Whāriki. The vision is for all children to become increasingly competent and confident communicators, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.
This resource aims to help children to become increasingly capable of understanding and using oral language within the context of a local curriculum. The approaches described are designed to be implemented through practices that reflect the distinctive character and values of each early learning service’s community.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a commitment to upholding the intent of the Treaty articles. These articles reflect a desire to live together in a spirit of partnership. A commitment is the acceptance of obligations for participation and protection. This commitment has implications for our education system, particularly in terms of achieving equitable outcomes for Māori and ensuring that te reo Māori not only survives but thrives.
Te reo Māori is a taonga under article two of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Fostering the learning and use of te reo Māori is the responsibility of all kaiako and the education system as a whole.