Learning modules on Aotearoa New Zealand's histories
Exploring histories at your service can enhance culturally responsive and respectful environments for whānau, tamariki, and community.
The three modules in this series are designed to help you:
- find your 'why' for teaching about histories
- reveal histories that are hidden in your setting
- get ideas from an example in another service
- consider histories in your curriculum design.
Before you start the modules
Each module uses the thinking and reflection you have done in the previous module. They are designed to be completed sequentially.
You might want to keep a notes document for your thoughts to help when you are discussing and planning with other kaiako.
The modules are on the Ministry of Education Learning Management System.
- You will need your Education Sector Logon (ESL) login to access them.
- You can find further information about an Education Sector Logon on the Education Applications and Online systems website: How to get an Education Sector Logon – Ministry of Education
- You can download an ECE user request form: Education On-line services access for Early Childhood (392KB PDF)
Once logged in you will need to select the Te Whāriki tile.
- takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes to finish but you can also complete them in smaller sections to fit your needs.
- has some suggestions at the end for discussion with other kaiako on ways you can implement ideas in your setting.
Learning module support video
Watch the video to see how the modules work and give you a taste of what is available on the Learning Management System.