People games
Have fun together with people games.
As their name suggests, you don’t need special equipment to play people games – just you and the time and a space to enjoy being together with your child.
Ideas for people games
There are lots of well-known people games and families often make up their own games.
Here are some ideas:
- Traditional Māori games such as tī rākau (stick game), mahi whai (string game), poi, and haka.
- Peekaboo, using a soft blanket or hands.
- Finger-play games like This little piggy, Round and round the garden, and Where is Thumbkin?
- Games like Simon says, Hide and seek, and I spy.
- Chase, tag, or running around a circuit.
- Make up a story by taking turns to add the next sentence.
When children are included in people games they can learn to:
- take a turn
- wait for you to take a turn
- focus their attention and copy you
- make choices
- ask to start a game, or for it to continue
- practice using new body actions, sounds, and words to communicate.
Te reo Māori words and phrases for people games
Kei whea koe? Where are you?
Kei konei ahau Here I am
E oma Run
E peke Jump
Titiro Look