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Kia tūhono tonu ai ngā tamariki

Keeping tamariki connected

One example of connecting tamariki

A team of kaiako, have bought a Zoom license and set up regular Zoom sessions for their 4-year-old tamariki to keep them in touch with each other. These sessions happen every second day and are extremely popular.

You will know your community and what tool will work best to connect with them.

Tips for encouraging tamariki engagement

  • Keep groups small – about eight works well – and then repeat sessions to include all tamariki.
  • Use warm ups for the first couple of sessions so tamariki get the idea of contributing. For example, can you go and find a square, a circle, and a triangle to show us all?
  • Keep the sessions regular – that way tamariki soon learn to take the lead themselves.

Kaiako reflections

  • Success is kaiako saying very little and tamariki saying a lot!
  • Tamariki are learning how to listen as well as contribute because of the way Zoom works.
  • Tamariki are inspired and getting ideas from each other of things they can do in their bubble.

Kaiako and tamariki meeting over video chat.