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He kōrero mō te ako ngaio

Information about professional learning

On this page you can find information about:

  • professional development opportunities specifically supporting the updated Te Whāriki – He whariki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa
  • general professional development opportunities
  • funded programmes for kaiako wishing to undertake supported inquiries/research.

You can access recordings of the ten Te Whāriki webinars on the Te Whāriki (2017) webinars page. The Ministry of Education will be continuing to steward Te Whāriki through the Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities (SELO) contracts. Further information is available on the Ministry's website.

 A team of kaiako discuss professional learning and next steps.

General PLD and support for inquiries and research

Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand – Matatū Aotearoa

The Education Council’s site provides leadership and information for teachers and includes good practice ideas and resources.

Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities (SELO)

SELO (strengthening early learning opportunities for children, whānau, families, and communities) is a Ministry of Education-funded professional development programme for early learning. It is targeted at early childhood education providers and kōhanga reo that have low participation rates or need support in providing quality early learning.

Teacher-led Innovation Fund (TLIF)

Teachers who are interested in applying for a TLIF. TLIF supports teams of qualified teachers from Early Childhood Education Services me ngā Kōhanga Reo, schools and kura, to collaboratively develop innovative practices that improve learning outcomes.

Further resources

Education Review Office – Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

The Education Review Office (ERO) reviews and evaluates the education and care of learners in a range of early childhood services and schools. They also research and publish a range of national reports on specific educational topics, which can support ECE settings in their internal evaluation (self-review).

Incredible Years for Teachers (IYT)

The Incredible Years Teacher Programme provides kaiako with approaches to creating positive learning environments for children. The programme is for kaiako of children aged 3–8 years. The programme covers: building positive relationships with children; proactively preventing behaviour concerns; using attention, encouragement, and praise to improve behaviour; motivating children; helping children learn social competence, empathy, and problem-solving; using appropriate consequences for undesirable behaviour.