How the curriculum framework is organised
Content from page 16 of Te Whāriki: Early Childhood Curriculum
The curriculum is described in terms of principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes.
The principles describe four fundamental expectations of all ECE provision in New Zealand. These principles are the foundations of curriculum decision making and a guide for every aspect of pedagogy and practice.
See Principles, Kaupapa whakahaere (pages 17–21).
The strands describe five areas of learning and development in which the focus is on supporting children to develop the capabilities they need as confident and competent learners.
See Strands, goals and learning outcomes, Taumata whakahirahira (pages 22–50).
The goals are for kaiako. They describe characteristics of facilitating environments and pedagogies that are consistent with the principles and that will support children’s learning and development across the strands of the curriculum.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes are broad statements of valued learning. They are designed to inform curriculum planning and evaluation and to support the assessment of children’s progress.
See an overview of the goals and learning outcomes, (pages 24–25).
See the goals and learning outcomes by strand, (pages 27, 32, 37, 42, and 47).
- Wellbeing | Mana atua
- Belonging | Mana whenua
- Contribution | Mana tangata
- Communication | Mana reo
- Exploration | Mana aotūroa