Prioritising inclusion
A focus on education for all
Key points
- Centre of Innovation
- A social justice / rights approach
- Inclusion for all
Building all children’s mana is a key focus in Te Whāriki. Botany Downs Kindergarten has prioritised inclusion of all children, including those with different and additional needs. Many people assumed that the kindergarten would provide specific help, equipment and materials only for children with “difficulties” or “impairments”.
Instead, kaiako at Botany Downs Kindergarten focused on the whole environment and identified aspects of teaching that enhanced participation and learning for all children. They made changes that were likely to be beneficial for all – at the same time as reducing barriers for children with additional needs.
Two examples were:
- Making books showing photographs of the teachers and the routines of the kindergarten to help children transition.
- Installing a sound augmentation system where group time is held. This distributes sound equally to the periphery of the group of children and means the teacher can maintain a quiet level of voice.
For more information and other examples, see:
COI Botany Downs Kindergarten: Inclusion at Botany Downs Kindergarten Centre of Innovation 2006-2008
This story of practice is part of the Inclusive practice page.