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Learning modules on the NELP

Exploring the National Education and Learning Priorities at your own pace for implementation in your service.

The two modules in this series are designed to help you:

  • be able to link the priorities to Te Whāriki
  • understand what it means to have regard for the NELP in the licensing criteria
  • decide an approach to implementing the NELP
  • Find a possible framework to use, to listen and put your ideas in action.

Before you start the modules

The two modules are designed to be completed sequentially.

The modules are on the Ministry of Education Learning Management System.

Once logged in you will need to select the Te Whāriki tile.

Te Whāriki tile on the Learning Management System

Each module takes approximately 60 minutes to finish but you can also complete them in smaller sections to fit your needs.


Learning module support video

Watch the video to see how the modules work and give you a taste of what is available on the Learning Management System.

  • Transcript

    Transcript Transcript

    (An animation of a kaiako sitting at a desk working on a computer her expression changing to a smile)

    Narrator: Kia ora koutou, tālofa lava, mālō e lelei, kia orana, kumusta. This short video takes you through the different features of learning modules to help you get the most out of them and to hopefully avoid any frustrations for you.

    (Scrolling down the landing page of the module)

    Narrator: When you select a module, it might open in a new browser tab. You can scroll down to see the different lessons in the module. You can either select a lesson directly from here or use the start module button at the top of the page.

    (Image of an open module)

    Narrator: When the module opens, you will see the lesson taking up most of the screen and a menu down the side.

    (Phone view of module)

    Narrator: If you’re on a phone you can bring up that menu from the hamburger or three bar icon at the top of your screen.

    (Scrolling screen of module content)

    Narrator: Scrolling down takes you through the content. Sometimes there will be tabs to select to see different parts of the content. 

    (Scrolling through the module showing the different features)

    Narrator: Lessons may contain content in tabs and then more content to look at after you have gone through the tabs. At the bottom of the lesson a green button will take you directly to the next lesson. You can also go back up to previous lessons by selecting the bar at the top.

    (Box on the side of the module and view switching to a mobile phone view with a menu to select to see the progress bar)

    Narrator: As you go through the module you can tell how far through you are by the bar at the top of the menu on the left or by opening the menu on your phone.

    (Module being scrolled through showing audio tracks with an arrow to click on, embedded videos, and flip cards)

    Narrator: The lessons contain different activities there maybe audio to listen to, videos to watch, or there could be flip cards where you can select the cards to make them flip over to reveal their other side. There could be an image that has spots on it for you to select to find out more content and reflect on that content in the context of the wider picture.

    (An activity using a whāriki with words in boxes being dragged on and off the mat)

    Narrator: There could be an activity with instructions telling you how to do it. You can also just have a play and select things to see what it does.

    (Items in the module being clicked on and different text boxes popping up or linking to other content) 

    Narrator: As you go through the modules, have a go, select items, and see what happens, enjoy exploring the content. Mauri ora.
