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Ka hīkoi koe ka kite i te aha?

What can you see on your walk?

Encourage your child to notice things in your neighbourhood. The photograph on this page shows something you could see and talk about on your walks.

Letterboxes in a community

Ā tōnā wā | In their own time

Take time to be in the moment with your child. You might be surprised by what you notice. You might be surprised by what they notice.


Wandering and wondering...

  • I wonder why there is a picture of a swordfish on this letterbox?
  • How many number ones can we see on our street?
  • What sort of letterbox would you design?

Think about ways to build on this learning:

  • How will you support your child to share this with others?
  • What sort of letterbox would you and your child build?
  • What stories could you tell about getting letters in the mail?
  • Who could you and your child send a letter to?